BotCast #52 L\'opium en record, le Canada contre la science, GoogleGlass terroriste, le cash criminalisé, cigarette électronique démonisée. Malgré tout ça, on a le segment des Bonnes Nouvelles pour bien balancer le tout!
Enregistré le 24 mai 2014Durée, 2h25
DOWNLOAD: BotCast-0052-On_est_pas_Justin_Bieber_viarge.mp3
Musique : \"I\'m not Justin Bieber bitch\" de Gunther , : \"Virtual Control\" de Frank Klepacki, fin: \"It shook the world!\", The Zapper!,

Correction à apporter: Concernant Harper qui parlait de la police en Ukraine, j\'avais dit qu\'il y avait eu 1200 arrestations ici pendant le printemps érable, mais c\'est 3\'509...The Chain of obedience Prussia to America: Public schools destroys lives
How the Government Manipulates Your Thoughts Online | Big Brother Watch break: - I\'M NOT JUSTIN BIEBER B**CH

PREMIER SEGMENT\'s opium crop sets new recordsHARPER ET LA GUERRE CONTRE LA SCIENCE: Canadian libricide: Tories torch and dump centuries of priceless, irreplaceable environmental archives Change Names of Diseases When Vaccines Do Not Work Glass user questioned by Homeland Security in Ohio theater for suspected piracy DOES THE DHS HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH THIS?Police Eye Google Glass as Surveillance Tool HSBC customers have been prevented from withdrawing large amounts of cash because they could not provide evidence of why they wanted it, the BBC has learnt.ébécor se fait pogner à mentir. handcuffs on-duty firefighter for not moving truck blogueur condamné pour avoir trouvé des documents via Google TEXAS FUSION CENTER’S SECRETS REVEALED \"We\'re building Iron man\". / \'Iron Man\' suits for US military inching closer to reality?2 clips à faire jouer back to back. 1) 14 février 2014: 25 février 2014:, US spies hacked into webcam feeds of millions of Yahoo users customer\'s account emptied of $87K as bank falls for scam found guilty of electronic cigarette law that does not exist athées risquent la peine de mort dans 13 pays s\'agit de la Mauritanie, du Soudan, de la Somalie, du Nigeria, du Yémen, de l\'Arabie saoudite, des Emirats arabes unis, du Qatar, de l\'Iran, du Pakistan, de l\'Afghanistan, des Maldives et de la Malaisie.New laws in Saudi Arabia declare that atheists are terrorists a-t-il un hacker aux commandes de l\'avion ? Concludes What Kind of Government America Really Has, and It\'s Not a Democracy Appeals Court: Driving With Upright Posture and Acne Is Sufficient Evidence For Traffic Stop court rules that stiff driving posture is suspicious behavior Court Rules that Cops DO NOT Need a Warrant to Search Your Home Court: Pennsylvania cops no longer need a warrant to search citizens’ vehiclesChildren, parents could pay hefty fines for bullying in Carson, Cali. Eyes Confiscation of Personal Savings, Pension Plans Lauderdale Making It Illegal for Homeless People to Have Possessions in Public Grandmother Arrested 59 Times for Sitting on Sidewalk and dangerous auquel je ne crois pas réellement: Happened To Zuckerberg’s $100 Million Donation To New Jersey Schools? York Pastafarian Christopher Schaeffer Sworn Into Town Council Wearing Colander selling restaurant to save employee with brain tumor FILES HISTORIC LEGISLATION; TAKES AIM AT STATE’S NSA FACILITY CAROLINA HOUSE PASSES LEGISLATION 100-0 TO BAN DRONES NULLIFIES NDAA INDEFINITE DETENTION don’t need police. Here’s how we can do without them.Snowden gets Nobel Peace Prize nomination from Norwegian MP LEGISLATORS PASS BILL TO AUTHORIZE GOLD AND SILVER AS LEGAL TENDER Oklahoma legislators pass bill legalizing gold and silver tender: Nullify the fed? WASHINGTON STATE LEGISLATORS PASS HEMP NULLIFICATION BILL MARYLAND LEGISLATORS MOVE TO KILL NSA HEADQUARTERS ditches rules and loses bullies AGENCY’S FALSE FLAG OPERATIONS EXPOSED BY SNOWDEN LEAKS is ending homelessness by giving people homes The Homeless Not Only Saves Lives -- It\'s Actually Cheaper Than Doing Nothing legislators vote to nullify Agenda 21 Carolina Democrats and Republicans push legislation to “nullify” NSA Carolina Passes Bill To Nullify Federal Hemp Ban House Passes Marijuana Decriminalization Bill Leak Walmart’s Guide on How to Silence Workers Idaho governor signs emergency legislation nullifying all future federal gun laws Pulitzer Prizes Just Demolished The Idea That Edward Snowden Is A Traitor Muslim Terrorists Accidentally Blow Themselves Up